Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How To Tell If A Guy Likes You - Three Signs He's Keen

How does a girl know if the guy of her dreams likes her ? You spotted him when you were having coffee with your friends.Did he also spot you?Everywhere you go he seems to be but he makes no effort to look at you or speak to you.It all starts to become so irritating just wondering what his next move will be and trying to work out exactly what his real feelings are.
So here are Three key signals that you can count on to know his mind.

1.The way that he talks to you.

When you do finally get to talk to your dream man the way that he responds to you in conversation is a real key indicator of what he really thinks of you.When you are talking he holds eye contact with you and really listens intently to each word that you are saying.When he talks with you he doesn't look aimlessly around the room or casually glance at other girls,you are the only female in the room in his mind.Is he asking questions about your life that will reveal what he really wants to know,like the following.

1.What do you do in your spare time

2.What kind of Movies do you enjoy

3.What are your favourite foods

If all of his questions seem to be leading to finding out if you have a significant other and are in a relationship then you can be certain that he likes you.

2.Body Language
Does the guy try and sneak looks at you when you are looking away from him?Ask a friend that is with you to stand elsewhere in the room and then intentionally look away from the guy of your dreams whilst you friend monitors where his eyes are moving too.If he really does like you he will not be able to resist looking your direction and moving his eyes up and down your body.Guys can not control their public behaviour in the same controlled and calm way that women can.

When you are talking to him does he fidgit a little and occassionally touch his nose with his hands?Does he run his hand over his mouth area and does he stand front on to you as if he would just love to pounce.
3.Gossip To People You Know
Guys are just like girls in this way and you can guarantee that when he really does like you he won't be able to resist asking questions about you and commenting to friends that he finds you just a little bit hot.You will soon beginn to hear little snippets from your friends about the things he has been saying or he will actually tell one of your girlfriends that he thinks you are a really nice person."guy talk for sizzling hot".

The bottom line is that when a guy likes you it is really easy to know because even if he is shy that awkwardness will show when he is around you.The best thing that you can do is stay cool and calm but also act just a little reserved and shy around him so he gets the courage up to make his move.Sometimes being a little flirtacious is fine but be careful not to flirt with other men in front of him as it could make hime think you are taken or keen on another guy.

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